Né à Delf en 1921.
Il met au point dés les années 50, un matériau à son usage, à base d'huiles et de pigments, il s'en servira à partir des années 60 pour maçonner de lourdes compositions où la couleur pure ira en s'épanouissant.
Entre baroque et rigueur, frisant volontiers le ( presque ) kitch, l'œuvre singulière, inclassable, affirme son goût du risque et son audace au fil des ans, comme si une éternelle jeunesse habitait l'artiste.

Ces trois dernières années ont vu se succéder les rétrospectives, hommage rendu a cet artiste de plus de  80 ans, par les musées. Citons entre autre, le musée de Bruxelles, Gand, Nice, Ostende, le musée d'art contemporain de Sao-Paulo, en préparation le musée de Poznan, Varsovie et un périple dans les musées des USA. En 2002 une one man show à la Galerie Marlborough de New-York.




Born in Delft in 1921.
As early as the fifties, he had developed the material for his art, based on oil and pigments, but it was in the sixties that he put it to use to construct heavy works in which the impact of pure colour was carried to its height. Navigating between baroque and severity, rubbing shoulders with something approaching kitch, his work cannot be classified. Its uniqueness is proof of his penchant for risk and audacity that endured throughout the years as though the artist were possessed by eternal youth.

In the last three years, there has been a succession of retrospective exhibitions in homage to the artist who will soon be eighty. Among others, the Musée de Bruxelles, Gand, the Mamec in Nice, the Modern Art Museum in Sao-Paulo, an exhibition is in preparation in Poznan, Varsovie and a tour of the galleries of the U.S.A.


Le Perroquet de Monsieur Vollard